Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

Logical AND Gate

In digital electronics there are several logical gates which works or operates on different logical operations, say logical addition, logical multiplication etc. AND Gate is a logical gate which is widely used having two or more inputs and a single output. This gate works or operates on logical multiplication rules. In this gate if either of the inputs is low (0), then the output is also low, but if all the inputs are high (1) the output will also be high (1). There are many integrated circuit which works on this logic we will come to it later. First of all let us gather some idea how output with respect to input is observed in case of AND Gate.
Let A and B be the inputs and Y is respective output, then

Y= A.B

Here (.) denotes the AND operations. When the AND gate have more input variables such as let A, B and C are the input variables and Y is the output. Then,

Y= A.B.C

Now, let us concentrate on two circuits describing AND operation.
and gatelogical and gate
Fig:- 1. circuit diagram using diode and Fig:- 2 Electric circuit using switch
First of all let have a look on figure 1. Here the circuit has two inputs where at each input adiode is connected.

For A diode D1 is connected and for B diode D2 is connected. Y is the output. Now, observe, Where A is low (0) for diode D1 is not conducting. B is also low (0) for which D2 is also not conducting. Thus the respective output will also be low (0).

Next when A is low (0) D1 is again not conducting but if B is high (1) D2 conducts but as one of the input is low the respective output will also be low (0).

Similarly when A is high (1) D1 conducts but D2 in non conducting as B is low (0). The output is again low (0) as one of the input is low.

At last when both the inputs are high (1) i.e both the diodes are conducting the output is also high (1). This is how AND Gate circuit works. To make your concept more clear let's explain it by electrical switching circuit.
In this circuit there are two switches connected in series. For Input A switch S1 and for input B switch is S2. Now switch will be closed when the input signal will be high(1) and opened if the input signal is low(0).

Now see if A is low (0) and B is also low (0) both the switches are open and the respective output will be low (0) as the signal gets not path to flow to the output.

Next when A is high (1) and B is also low (0) switch S1 will be closed and S2 will be opened. Thus again the signal from the input is not getting an path, So the output is again low(0)

Similarly when A is low (0) and B is high (1) switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed respectively. But is output will still be low as the input signal is again not getting any path for flowing to the output.
Lastly when both the inputs are high i.e. A is 1 and B is also 1, the switches S1 and S2 both are closed. Here the input signal gets a path to flow to the output i.e. the output signal will be high(1).
Truth table of AND Gate given below can make your idea more clear.
ABY= A.Bsymbol of and gate
111Here A, B are inputs and Y is output

Here A and B are the inputs and Y is the output.

i) At first A=0 and B=0, thus Y = A.B ⇒ Y=0.0 ⇒ Y=0, therefore the output is also low (0).
ii) Next A=0 and B=1, thus Y=A.B ⇒ Y=0.1 ⇒ Y=0, therefore the output is also low(0).
iii) When A=1 and B=0, Output Y=A.B ⇒ Y=1.0 ⇒ Y=0, this time also he output is low(0).
iv) Lastly A=1 and B=1, thus Y=A.B ⇒ Y=1.1 ⇒ Y=1, therefore the output is also high (1).
The same idea can be extended in this type of gate with more than two inputs.
and gatelogical and gate
In the above diode circuit when all the diodes will be conduction i.e all the input signals will be high the respective output, will be high too. If either of the input is low the output will be low. This idea can be made clear from the truth table given below.
Look at the truth table very carefully. See the output of the last row is only high (1) all other rows are having output low (0). This is became excerpt the last row all other rows have at least one low (0). In the last row all the input are high (1) thus the output is also high. As said earlier it works on logical AND operation rules it proves that how many the number input may be the output is dependent on the high or low signal.

IC 7408

ic 7408
For AND Gate IC number in TTL is 7408. 7408 is Quad 2- input IC where four gates are present together. Let us have a look on the internal diagram of 7408.
Here pln 1, 2 are the inputs of the first gate whose respective output is 3. Again 4 and 5 are the inputs of the second gate whose output is at pin 6. The inputs of fourth is pin 12 and 13 and pin 11 is its output. Pin 14 is the supply input which can be maximum 5.2 volt D.C. if input voltagebe more than this it may cause damage to the IC.

IC 4081

In CMOS logic i.e complementary MOSFET logic I.C number of AND Gate is 4081. This IC also has two inputs and one respective output. In this IC there are also 4 gates together. Now see the below internal diagram of this circuit to make it more clear.
ic 4081
Pin 1 and 2 are the inputs of the first gate whose output is in number 3. Again Pin 5 and 6 are the inputs of the second gate whose output is at Pin 4. pi number 7 is grounded. Pin 8 and 9 are the inputs of third gate whose output is at pin 10. Again pin 13 and 12 are the inputs of fourth AND gate whose output is at pin number 11. Pin 13 and 12 are the inputs of fourth AND Gate whose output is at pin number 11. Pin number 14 is power supply where maximum 5.2 volt D.C supply can be given to activate the IC. Here too if more voltage is given if may damage the IC. Inter circuit of CMOS and TTL differs from each other which must be noticed carefully.

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Cara membuat logo APPLE melalui corel draw

Logo Apple 

Langkah pembuatan logo apple adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Gunakan pen tool   yang terletak pada tool box sebelah kiri. Klik poin – poin tersebut hingga membentuk pola dasar apple. Seperti gambar dibawah ini.

                                                 Gambar 1.1  Pola dasar logo apple
2. Gunakan shape tool   pada tool box. Kemudian klik kanan mouse dan pilih menu convert to curve. Seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Gambar 1.2  menu to curve
3. Dengan menggunakan shape tool maka atur arah panah pada biru sesuai kelengkungan seperti gambar di bawah ini.
                                                 Gambar 1.3   hasil lengkungan shape tool
4. Lalu gunakan pen tool   untuk membentuk daun pada logo apple seperti gambar dibawah ini. 
   Gambar 1.4   pola daun.

5. Dengan shape tool  maka  daun logo apple dilengkukkan tiap poinnya dengan klik kanan mouse anda lalu pilih convert to curve, sehingga seperti gambar diawah ini
Gambar 1.5  pola logo apple
6. Berikan warna dasar biru  dengan uniform fill  (shift + f11), dan ketikkan C= 100 , M=20 , Y=0, K=0, seperti gambar dibawah ini. 

                                                  Gambar 1.6 warna dasar logo apple

7. Duplikat daun dan apple dengan cara klik logo tersebut lalu tekan  ctrl + C (copy) kemudian ctrl + V (Paste) dan perkecil ukuran hasil kopy tersebut dengan cara klik sambil tekan shift secara simetri  lalu gunakan  fountain fill (f11)   pada objek logo apple dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut 
                                                  Gambar 1.7   Gradien pada logo apple
8. Maka hasil setelah diberikan gradien pada logo apple maka hasilnya seperti dibawah ini.
                                                       Gambar 1.8  hasil  Gradien pada logo apple
9. Gunakan pen tool untuk membentuk objek baru ,  klik poin –poin pada sisi atas logo apple. Dan dilengkungkan dengan shape tool sdan diberikan warna putih. Sehingga seperti gambar dibawah ini. 
                                            Gambar 1.9  membuat pantulan logo apple
10. Lalu berikan transparan tool   yang berada pada tool box sebelah kiri. Setelah itu tarik angle untuk membuat pantulan logo apple. 

                                                         Gambar 1.10  Angle transparency
11. Hasil akhir pembuatan logo apple adalah seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Gambar 1.11  Finishing design 


1. Siapkan Corel Draw Anda

2. cari dan pilih "basic Shape Tools"

3. pilih jajar genjang lalu buat di lembar kerja anda, namun sebelum itu ganti dulu jajar genjangnya menjadi segitiga.

4. Buatlah segitiga sama sisi di lembar kerja anda.



5. Putar segitiga tersebut (pilih "pick Tool" klik ditengah object, lalu putar)


6. Duplikatkan segitiga tersebut.

7. Block kedua segitiga

8. klik "trim"

9. Buang segitiga bagian atas (Hasil potongannya)

10. Duplicate segitiga bawah lalu putar hingga posisi nya menjadi seperti ini

11. Buatlah "rectangle" tool disegitiga atas lalu klik "weld"


12. Klik Text tool, dan Atur segitiga tadi dan teks nya hingga berada di tengah seperti ini

Selesai, selamat mencoba...

Jumat, 30 November 2012

Game khusus Galaxy young

Jika anda ingin mendownload game pro tanpa berbayar silahkan ke web ini saja

Gingerbread OS


The Android 2.3 platform introduces many new and exciting features for users and developers. This document provides a glimpse at some of the new features and technologies in Android 2.3. For detailed information about the new developer APIs, see the Android 2.3 version notes.

New User Features

UI refinements for simplicity and speed

The user interface is refined in many ways across the system, making it easier to learn, faster to use, and more power-efficient. A simplified visual theme of colors against black brings vividness and contrast to the notification bar, menus, and other parts of the UI. Changes in menus and settings make it easier for the user to navigate and control the features of the system and device.

Faster, more intuitive text input

The Android soft keyboard is redesigned and optimized for faster text input and editing. The keys themselves are reshaped and repositioned for improved targeting, making them easier to see and press accurately, even at high speeds. The keyboard also displays the current character and dictionary suggestions in a larger, more vivid style that is easier to read.
The keyboard adds the capability to correct entered words from suggestions in the dictionary. As the user selects a word already entered, the keyboard displays suggestions that the user can choose from, to replace the selection. The user can also switch to voice input mode to replace the selection. Smart suggestions let the user accept a suggestion and then return to correct it later, if needed, from the original set of suggestions.
New multitouch key-chording lets the user quickly enter numbers and symbols by pressing Shift+<letter> and ?123+<symbol>, without needing to manually switch input modes. From certain keys, users can also access a popup menu of accented characters, numbers, and symbols by holding the key and sliding to select a character.

One-touch word selection and copy/paste

When entering text or viewing a web page, the user can quickly select a word by press-hold, then copy to the clipboard and paste. Pressing on a word enters a free-selection mode — the user can adjust the selection area as needed by dragging a set of bounding arrows to new positions, then copy the bounded area by pressing anywhere in the selection area. For text entry, the user can slide-press to enter a cursor mode, then reposition the cursor easily and accurately by dragging the cursor arrow. With both the selection and cursor modes, no use of a trackball is needed.

Improved power management

The Android system takes a more active role in managing apps that are keeping the device awake for too long or that are consuming CPU while running in the background. By managing such apps — closing them if appropriate — the system helps ensure best possible performance and maximum battery life.
The system also gives the user more visibility over the power being consumed by system components and running apps. The Application settings provides an accurate overview of how the battery is being used, with details of the usage and relative power consumed by each component or application.

Control over applications

A shortcut to the Manage Applications control now appears in the Options Menu in the Home screen and Launcher, making it much easier to check and manage application activity. Once the user enters Manage Applications, a new Running tab displays a list of active applications and the storage and memory being used by each. The user can read further details about each application and if necessary stop an application or report feedback to its developer.

New ways of communicating, organizing

An updated set of standard applications lets the user take new approaches to managing information and relationships.

Internet calling
The user can make voice calls over the internet to other users who have SIP accounts. The user can add an internet calling number (a SIP address) to any Contact and can initiate a call from Quick Contact or Dialer. To use internet calling, the user must create an account at the SIP provider of their choice — SIP accounts are not provided as part of the internet calling feature. Additionally, support for the platform's SIP and internet calling features on specific devices is determined by their manufacturers and associated carriers.
Near-field communications
An NFC Reader application lets the user read and interact with near-field communication (NFC) tags. For example, the user can “touch” or “swipe” an NFC tag that might be embedded in a poster, sticker, or advertisement, then act on the data read from the tag. A typical use would be to read a tag at a restaurant, store, or event and then rate or register by jumping to a web site whose URL is included in the tag data. NFC communication relies on wireless technology in the device hardware, so support for the platform's NFC features on specific devices is determined by their manufacturers.
Downloads management
The Downloads application gives the user easy access to any file downloaded from the browser, email, or another application. Downloads is built on an completely new download manager facility in the system that any other applications can use, to more easily manage and store their downloads.
The application now lets the user access multiple cameras on the device, including a front-facing camera, if available.

New Developer Features

Android 2.3 delivers a variety of features and APIs that let developers bring new types of applications to the Android platform.

Enhancements for gaming

Android 2.3 includes a variety of improvements across the system that make common operations faster and more efficient for all applications. Of particular interest to game developers are:
  • Concurrent garbage collector — The Dalivik VM introduces a new, concurrent garbage collector that minimizes application pauses, helping to ensure smoother animation and increased responsiveness in games and similar applications.
  • Faster event distribution — The plaform now handles touch and keyboard events faster and more efficiently, minimizing CPU utilization during event distribution. The changes improve responsiveness for all applications, but especially benefit games that use touch events in combination with 3D graphics or other CPU-intensive operations.
  • Updated video drivers — The platform uses updated third-party video drivers that improve the efficiency of OpenGL ES operations, for faster overall 3D graphics performance.
Native input and sensor events
Applications that use native code can now receive and process input and sensor events directly in their native code, which dramatically improves efficiency and responsiveness.
Native libraries exposed by the platform let applications handle the same types of input events as those available through the framework. Applications can receive events from all supported sensor types and can enable/disable specific sensors and manage event delivery rate and queueing.
Gyroscope and other new sensors, for improved 3D motion processing
Android 2.3 adds API support for several new sensor types, including gyroscope, rotation vector, linear acceleration, gravity, and barometer sensors. Applications can use the new sensors in combination with any other sensors available on the device, to track three-dimensional device motion and orientation change with high precision and accuracy. For example, a game application could use readings from a gyroscope and accelerometer on the device to recognize complex user gestures and motions, such as tilt, spin, thrust, and slice.
Open API for native audio
The platform provides a software implementation of Khronos OpenSL ES, a standard API that gives applications access to powerful audio controls and effects from native code. Applications can use the API to manage audio devices and control audio input, output, and processing directly from native code.
Native graphics management
The platform provides an interface to its Khronos EGL library, which lets applications manage graphics contexts and create and manage OpenGL ES textures and surfaces from native code.
Native access to Activity lifecycle, window management
Native applications can declare a new type of Activity class, NativeActivity whose lifecycle callbacks are implemented directly in native code. The NativeActivity and its underlying native code run in the system just as do other Activities — they run in the application's system process and execute on the application's main UI thread, and they receive the same lifecycle callbacks as do other Activities.
The platform also exposes native APIs for managing windows, including the ability to lock/unlock the pixel buffer to draw directly into it. Through the API, applications can obtain a native window object associated with a framework Surface object and interact with it directly in native code.
Native access to assets, storage
Applications can now access a native Asset Manager API to retrieve application assets directly from native code without needing to go through JNI. If the assets are compressed, the platform does streaming decompression as the application reads the asset data. There is no longer a limit on the size of compressed .apk assets that can be read.
Additionally, applications can access a native Storage Manager API to work directly with OBB files downloaded and managed by the system. Note that although platform support for OBB is available in Android 2.3, development tools for creating and managing OBB files will not be available until early 2011.
Robust native development environment
The Android NDK (r5 or higher) provides a complete set of tools, toolchains, and libraries for developing applications that use the rich native environment offered by the Android 2.3 platform. For more information or to download the NDK, please see the Android NDK page.

New forms of communication

Internet telephony
Developers can now add SIP-based internet telephony features to their applications. Android 2.3 includes a full SIP protocol stack and integrated call management services that let applications easily set up outgoing and incoming voice calls, without having to manage sessions, transport-level communication, or audio record or playback directly.
Support for the platform's SIP and internet calling features on specific devices is determined by their manufacturers and associated carriers.
Near Field Communications (NFC)
The platform's support for Near Field Communications (NFC) lets developers get started creating a whole new class of applications for Android. Developers can create new applications that offer proximity-based information and services to users, organizations, merchants, and advertisers.
Using the NFC API, applications can read and respond to NFC tags “discovered” as the user “touches” an NFC-enabled device to elements embedded in stickers, smart posters, and even other devices. When a tag of interest is collected, applications can respond to the tag, read messages from it, and then store the messages, prompting the user as needed.
Starting from Android 2.3.3, applications can also write to tags and set up peer-to-peer connections with other NFC devices.
NFC communication relies on wireless technology in the device hardware, so support for the platform's NFC features on specific devices is determined by their manufacturers.

Rich multimedia

Mixable audio effects
A new audio effects API lets developers easily create rich audio environments by adding equalization, bass boost, headphone virtualization (widened soundstage), and reverb to audio tracks and sounds. Developers can mix multiple audio effects in a local track or apply effects globally, across multiple tracks.
Support for new media formats
The platform now offers built-in support for the VP8 open video compression format and the WebM open container format. The platform also adds support for AAC encoding and AMR wideband encoding (in software), so that applications can capture higher quality audio than narrowband.
Access to multiple cameras
The Camera API now lets developers access any cameras that are available on a device, including a front-facing camera. Applications can query the platform for the number of cameras on the device and their types and characteristics, then open the camera needed. For example, a video chat application might want to access a front-facing camera that offers lower-resolution, while a photo application might prefer a back-facing camera that offers higher-resolution.

New Platform Technologies

Media Framework

  • New media framework fully replaces OpenCore, maintaining all previous codec/container support for encoding and decoding.
  • Integrated support for the VP8 open video compression format and the WebM open container format
  • Adds AAC encoding and AMR wideband encoding

Linux Kernel

  • Upgraded to 2.6.35


  • SIP stack, configurable by device manufacturer
  • Support for Near Field Communications (NFC), configurable by device manufacturer
  • Updated BlueZ stack

Dalvik runtime

  • Dalvik VM:
    • Concurrent garbage collector (target sub-3ms pauses)
    • Adds further JIT (code-generation) optimizations
    • Improved code verification
    • StrictMode debugging, for identifying performance and memory issues
  • Core libraries:
    • Expanded I18N support (full worldwide encodings, more locales)
    • Faster Formatter and number formatting. For example, float formatting is 2.5x faster.
    • HTTP responses are gzipped by default. XML and JSON API response sizes may be reduced by 60% or more.
    • New collections and utilities APIs
    • Improved network APIs
    • Improved file read and write controls
    • Updated JDBC
  • Updates from upstream projects:
    • OpenSSL 1.0.0a
    • BouncyCastle 1.45
    • ICU 4.4
    • zlib 1.2.5